Chapter received its charter in April 1945.
Harmony Manor (our meeting hall) was purchased in April 1962, sold October 2020.
The Men of Accord chorus were district champions in 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1988, 1991 and 2002.
The Men of Accord chorus represented Ontario District eight times in International Contests:
1953 Detroit 7th
1958 Columbus 4th
1959 Chicago 13th
1961 Philadelphia 7th
1964 San Antonio 12th
1967 Los Angeles 4th
1968 Cincinnati 4th
1969 St. Louis 15th
Members from London have been in 9 quartets that have won Ontario District championships.
Two quartets have placed as high as 2nd in international contests: the Four Chorders in 1953,
and the Nighthawks in 1963, and both were International Medalists four times.